Doktor24 Da Vinci Magánklinika

The Doktor24 Group and its partner UNION Insurance Company, through their joint subsidiary, Első Magánegészségügyi Hálózat Zrt., acquired the Da Vinci Magánklinika in Pécs, Hungary, in December 2021 which has a prestigious professional past. In the panoramic glass and steel hospital building, built directly above the city in Mecsek, and in a modern clinic complex in the former Kikelet Hotel building, 2 operating rooms, 22 inpatient beds, 2 delivery rooms, 18 specialist clinics and around 120 doctors serve the clients. There are areas directly in front of the entrance that are available for the parking of 50 vehicles.

7635 Pécs, Málics Ottó street 1.
+36 (72) 512-050
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